Magic Earth


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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781524525057
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 194 S.
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2016
Format: EPUB
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


Taylor Jones is the mayor of Animal Forks, Colorado, in the year 2049. The town was nestled in a beautiful valley between two mountains. Living in Animal Forks was a hunters paradise, with plenty of game and fishing with lakes and rivers as well as forest with hiking trails. But Animal Forks offered so much more than hunting and fishing.Generations before Taylor Jones and others came to Animal Forks, it was known as Magic Earth. Those who lived in the valley experienced powers beyond their belief; telepathic communication, telekinesis, and mind reading were just a few of the gifts that the town folks displayed. Those who lived in Magic Earth had found the fountain of youth and had to guard their secret from the rest of the world, or their valley would be totally destroyed by others desperate to live forever.Taylor and the town council were vigilant in keeping their treasure hidden away in the valley, but there were residents who were determined to cash in on the riches contained there. When secrets began to trickle from the valley about the supernatural resources available, the powers that be were eager to take advantage of the gullible Mayor Jones. The most powerful man in the world, El Bail, sets up a station in Magic Earth, determined to find how to obtain the power for himself alone.The forest that surrounded Magic Earth held the secret to all the mystery of the beautiful valley, but those who found the answers to the incredible gifts of the Forks also risked losing themselves in a time where magic creatures would either enslave them or fight for them.The world leader, El Bail, finds his destiny in the forest of Magic Earth, and the world would never be the same. Join the people of Magic Earth on their journey to find who is behind the mystery and power of the world that has converged on a small Colorado valley.

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