Ecology of Harmful Algae

eBook - Ecological Studies

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783540322108
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 416 S., 6.37 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2006
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Harmful algal blooms are one of the consequences of the human impact on aquatic ecosystems, particularly the process of eutrophication. They can cause a variety of deleterious effects, including the poisoning of fish and shellfish, habitat disruptions for many organisms, water discolouration, beach fouling, and even toxic effects for humans.

This volume is a comprehensive synthesis of the latest research achievements concerning harmful algae (HA) ecology. International experts provide an in-depth analysis of HA topics including: global distribution, ecology of major HA groups, ecology and physiology of HA, HA and the food web, studying and mitigating HA, the human impact on HA and HA impact on human activity. This volume is an invaluable source of information for researchers in HA ecology as well as for advanced students, lecturers, and environmental managers.


Harmful Algae and Their Global Distribution.- An Introduction to Harmful Algae.- Molecular Taxonomy of Harmful Algae.- The Biogeography of Harmful Algae.- Importance of Life Cycles in the Ecology of Harmful Microalgae.- The Ecology of Major Harmful Algae Groups.- The Ecology of Harmful Dinoflagellates.- The Ecology of Harmful Flagellates Within Prymnesiophyceae and Raphidophyceae.- The Ecology of Harmful Diatoms.- Ecology of Harmful Cyanobacteria.- Brown Tides.- The Ecology and Physiology of Harmful Algae.- Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics in Relation to Physical Processes.- Ecological Aspects of Harmful Algal In Situ Population Growth Rates.- Harmful Algae and Cell Death.- The Diverse Nutrient Strategies of Harmful Algae: Focus on Osmotrophy.- Phagotrophy in Harmful Algae.- Allelopathy in Harmful Algae: A Mechanism to Compete for Resources?.- Trace Metals and Harmful Algal Blooms.- Molecular Physiology of Toxin Production and Growth Regulation in Harmful Algae.- Chemical and Physical Factors Influencing Toxin Content.- Relationships Between Bacteria and Harmful Algae.- Harmful Algae and the Food Web.- Harmful Algae Interactions with Marine Planktonic Grazers.- Pathogens of Harmful Microalgae.- Phycotoxin Pathways in Aquatic Food Webs: Transfer, Accumulation and Degradation.- Studying and Mitigating Harmful Algae: New Approaches.- Molecular Approaches to the Study of Phytoplankton Life Cycles: Implications for Harmful Algal Bloom Ecology.- Laboratory and Field Applications of Ribosomal RNA Probes to Aid the Detection and Monitoring of Harmful Algae.- Mitigation and Controls of HABs.- Human Impact on Harmful Algae and Harmful Algae Impact on Human Activity.- The Complex Relationships Between Increases in Fertilization of the Earth, Coastal Eutrophication and Proliferation ofHarmful Algal Blooms.- Top-Down Predation Control on Marine Harmful Algae.- Climate Change and Harmful Algal Blooms.- Anthropogenic Introductions of Microalgae.- The Economic Effects of Harmful Algal Blooms.

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