Mapping Sustainability

eBook - Knowledge e-Networking and the Value Chain, Alliance for Global Sustainability Bookseries

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781402060717
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 484 S., 38.31 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2007
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Challenges and Focus This book focuses on three interdependent research initiatives designed to facilitate the management of transitions toward sustainable development. These initiatives consist of: (a) mapping sustainability as a domain of kn- ledge; (b) contributing to the development of global knowledge e-networking and extending the knowledge value chain; and (c) exploring new methods to expand our knowledge and to improve e-networking practices. While the activities differ in nature, scale and scope, they are highly interconnected. It is our hope that, jointly, they will contribute to our common quest for a su- ainable future. Our underlying objectives are to contribute to the provision, mana- ment, and sharing of knowledge, and to enhance the value of knowledge and its uses by different constituencies in diverse contexts and at different stages of development. The central theme of this book, connecting its different parts, is about ways of transcending critical barriers to the effective uses of knowledge and e-networking. Of special relevance is the development of new approaches to the provision and transmission from local sources to global networks and from global sources to local networks. In many ways, this is a book of theory and methods, as well as policy and performance.


One.- Mapping Sustainability.- Global Knowledge e-Networking.- Global Workflow Strategy.- Global e-Partnerships and Strategic Collaboration.- Two.- Organizational Innovation.- Information and Communication Technology in the Arab Region.- GSSD-Arabic.- GSSD-China.- Strategies for Re-Engineering Global Knowledge e-Networks.- The Value of Knowledge for Extended Enterprises.- GSSD-Enterprise for Multinational Corporations.- Three.- Visualization.- Exploring e-Governance.- Growing Clean?.- Globalization and International Trade.- Synergy for Sustainability.- Financial Risks and Climate Change.- Global Agenda! Version 1.0.- Basic versus Complex Logic in International Relations.- Conclusion: Mapping Sustainability, Knowledge e-Networking, and the Value Chain.

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